Thank you for using
OurCord. To maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all users, we ask that you understand how and why we used saved data to maintain functionality.
Privacy and Saved Data
Understand how and why we use saved data to maintain functionality.
Why We Collect Data
We require certain data to maintain the functionality of our service. No user data will be collected until they agree to our Terms of Service.
What Data Is Stored
- Broadcasted Webhook, Message, Guild, and User IDs of broadcasted messages.
- User IDs of users who accepted Terms and Privacy Policy.
- Any automated or manual warnings a user has received.
- User's current OurCord standing (active/blocked).
Note: Message content is not stored after the message has been broadcasted!
How We Use Your Data
- Your username, ID, avatar, and message content are used to broadcast messages in a specified channel across servers.
- Messages are ONLY broadcasted after you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.
- Messages are ONLY broadcasted in a channel designated by a server moderator.
- Your user ID, all broadcasted message, and guild IDs are used to allow you to edit messages after sending.
- Your user ID powers the "Fetch User" function. Only global user data (e.g., Username, ID, and badges) and OurCord data (e.g., messages sent, and warnings given) are used.
Opting Out
No longer want your messages to be broadcasted? We got you covered! Go to any server with OurCord installed and use the /opt-out
- Opting out will remove your access to OurCord. You will need to re-agree to our Terms to use OurCord again.
- Opting out WILL NOT remove any automated or manual warnings you have received.
- Opting out WILL NOT remove any previously sent messages, as you initially agreed to them being sent.